Land Use Permitting

Land Use Permitting

We have the expertise to identify the land use permits required, be it at the local, state, and federal levels and develop a work plan which outlines the path of travel to expedite the permit review and approval process. Our staff is fully knowledgeable and capable of preparing the required permit applications and supporting plans and reports to secure land use permits at the local, state and federal agencies. Our engineers are involved at the concept planning phase of a project to ensure that effective and practical design solutions are integrated into the various disciplines of civil design such as:

  • Site Demolition & Erosion Control Plans
  • Site Grading & Stormwater Management Design
  • Parking Layout & Traffic Control Design
  • Utility and Infrastructure Design
  • Site Landscaping Cut/Fill Analysis
  • Sewage Pump Station Design
  • Environmental Impact Reports
  • Cost Estimating/Value Engineering
  • Preparation of Permit applicationsĀ and documentation


Land Planning
Contract Documents
Construction Phase
Land Surveying