RJOConnell is proud to have Boylston Properties and the Wilder Companies as our clients and that they chose to partner with us on this recent venture Watertown’s Arsenal Yards. Among other services, RJOC has provided the Land Planning and Civil Engineering for this extensive renovation and expansion. The plans include Retail, Restaurant, Entertainment and approximately 500 residential apartments. Find out more at boston.curbed.com 12/1/16 article, the new Arsenal Yards: the details on the 1 million-square-foot development. The announcement can also be found at the Boston Globe online.
Author: Karen O'Connell
Happy New Year Wishes from all of us at RJOC…..
Sending our Sincerest Wishes that 2017 will bring Peace & Prosperity to everyone.
Toys For Tots ….Thank You!
Thank you to everyone that participated in our gift collection for the U.S. Marine Corps Toys For Tots Program. Helping the less fortunate children throughout the United States to experience the joy of Christmas is a benefit to all of us. One of our nation’s most valuable resources is our children. The real goal of this program is to work together in sending a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters: a message that will serve to assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens. This is the objective of the U.S. Marine Corps.
A sincere thanks to Bill Holleran for organizing the program in our office.
RJOC Toys for Tots contribution deadline is nearing…..
December 15th is fast approaching
RJOC participating in the Marine Corps Toys for Tots toy drive
The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community. In the spirit of the holidays RJOC employees will be collecting toy donations up until December 15th. The ages for toy collection are new borns to 10yrs old. Join us in donating to the Toys for Tots program. For more information visit the website for the Boston area Toys For Tots program. Thank you!
RJOC employees join in helping Louisiana flood victims
Once again the RJOC team stepped up by collecting cleaning supplies & other household items for the Louisiana flood victims. The Delta Lodge of Braintree organized the collection. The supplies were shipped down to the Shriners in the Baton Rouge area who distributed them to the community. Job Well Done!
8th Annual Dave Flanagan Memorial Golf Outing – Registration Deadline 9/5/16
RJOC will be hosting the 8th Annual Dave Flanagan Memorial Golf Outing on Thursday September 15, 2016 at the Brookmeadow Country Club in Canton. This event has become a special day for Dave’s family & all of us at RJO’CONNELL to celebrate the memory of a father & friend. The deadline for registration is September 5th.
For additional information please contact Kerry Aquino at:
kerry.aquino@rjoconnell.com or 781-279-0180 ext 110
Our tribute to Dave’s memory is priceless and we thank you for your continued support.
RJOC a sponsor for the Bisnow annual Boston Retail event 6-9
Anchors, Environments and the Future of Retail
RJOC supports the NAIOP 14th Anniversary Bus Tour…
The 14th Anniversary NAIOP Bus Tour, LIFE on The Edge…Boston’s New Frontier, was held Wednesday May 18th. The tour was a look at the outer-edge of Boston observing what is new and breaking in the growing markets along Boston’s urban ring. Hundreds of the leading developers, investors, brokers and other real estate professionals took part in the event. RJO’CONNELL participated by contributing a Project Spotlight for the Bus Tour Guidebook. A highlight of a few of our recent projects.
“Sometimes it’s what’s outside the box that counts”
RJOC a continued supporter of JDRF & the 34th Annual Boston Gala
RJO’Connell & Associates is proud to continue its support of JDRF Research & Honor the many people that work together towards a cure for type 1 diabetes (T1D). Saturday, May 14, 2016, The New England Chapter of JDRF will host the 34th Annual Boston Gala — a black-tie event that brings together more than 600 guests. The evening features an exciting silent and live auction. The goal for the Gala is to raise $1.75 million for type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. “One Night” an evening to celebrate how far we have come toward the One Day when we will celebrate a cure. For information on the Gala or ways to donate visit One Night 34th Annual Boston Gala.